
The Artful Speaker with Arleen Lambert, Distinguished Toastmaster

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Season 1
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Whether you are delivering motivational talks, presenting to corporations and organizations, or speaking on other occasions,  many people struggle to be effective as a speaker. Episode 11 will focus on helping you to become a confident, powerful public speaker.

Effective public speaking can seem like a trait you are born with. But it is an acquired skill that takes practice. Arleen Lambert knows the importance of public speaking and leadership, using personal experiences to grow her brand.


Arleen Lambert is a successful Coach, Consultant, Speaker, and Social Entrepreneur.

She is the founder of Early Education Link, a non for profit organization that creates programs to facilitate the needs of children and families throughout South Florida. Mrs. Lambert works in local communities, providing various services, from serving Thanksgiving dinners and annual Christmas toy give-away to children in underserved communities.

Mrs. Lambert organizes and hosts the Women Empowering Women For Excellence (WEWFE) annual conference. This conference is centered around a four-pillar approach to supporting women holistically. Mrs. Lambert has fostered relationships with successful women in varying fields to advocate support that aligns with the vision of her organizations which serves to provide the key to a better life for families.

Arleen is a Distinguished Toastmaster of Toastmaster International. Over the years, she has held many leadership roles in the organization.  Mrs. Lambert has channeled her passion for public speaking into development and delivery for Early Education leadership training.

Mrs. Lambert is a current facilitator for The Business Leadership Institute. She works as a support to help early childcare business owners manage their businesses and use strategies to write effective business plans.

Mrs. Lambert holds a Bachelor of Science in Child Development concentrating in Preschool and infants/Toddlers and is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership at the University of North Florida.

Mrs. Lambert is affiliated with South Florida Home Child Care Association as the Professional Development Officer, Florida Family Child Care Association as the Vice President and serves on Miami Dade College School of Education’s Early Childhood Education Advisory Committees and the City of Miami Gardens Healthy Eating Sub-Council Committee and The Business Leadership Institute.


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