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Strategic Business Growth Episode 5 October 15, 2024
0 Followers 29 Episodes
Welcome everyone to Episode 4 of Season 2 on the Follow The Brand Podcast. I am your host Grant McGaugh CEO of 5 STAR BDM. My question for you is Have you ever seen a purple squirrel with a yellow sweater? My guest today Tom Jordan sees them all the time in his business as a professional coach and executive recruiter. He is known as the Chief connections Officer for his program called M.I.N.D. Moving in New Directions.
Tom has a rare talent for helping professionals reach their true potential in their careers. He has over 1 billion dollars in sales over his illustrious career by leveraging his network of friends, peers, and people just like you.
Tom has an extensive 35+ background as a Billion Dollar Producer in Sales of Computer Hardware, Software, Long-term multimillion-dollar Consulting Contracts as large as $110 million, Computer Hardware Service Contracts. Some of these include IBM, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Compaq, DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation), Sun Microsystems, PeopleSoft, Oracle, Marcola, Salesforce, Various EMR packages Such as Epic, Cerner, Meditech, Allscripts, and others.
He has also done several years of Corporate Recruiting, Executive and Professional Talent Hunting, and Contract Technical Recruiting. He also has done Executive, Professional, Management, Sales, Career, Life Coaching, and Training. He is coached six Fortune 500 CEOs and 20 of their executives. He also coached executives from large to small organizations. He has a true passion for helping people to truly love themselves, to get them on the right path, and how to stay on the right path to success.
Tom used to love Running, Biking, and swimming but due to an accident, he can no longer do that. He Completed 150 marathons by December of 2015, 2 Full Ironmans, and 4 half Ironman contests.
Before getting into full-time sales and recruiting Tom worked in Gainesville Florida at the University of Florida Shands Hospital doing paramedic work in the ER, LPN on the AIDS unit, and an/ EKG and Echocardiogram Tech in the heart station. He also worked part-time at the VA Hospital working in their computer department creating EMR’S with MUMPS. That’s how he first got his love with EMR solutions.
Tom spent 6 years in the US Army as a COMBAT MEDIC/EMT PARAMEDIC / LPN.
He served with the 3/63rd Armor, Flak Army Hospital, 1/10 Special Forces regiment in Berchesgaten, Germany & Elsewhere and finished his Army career at Fort Lewis Washington, attached to 2/75 Rangers.
He has 3 three children, 2 Granddaughters, and a pet guinea pig named pumpkin that belongs to his granddaughter. When he’s not working, he likes to volunteer, spend time with the family, go for long walks on the beach or parks, he loves to capture sunrises and sunsets on his camera. He also loves to read and write stories.
Let’s welcome Tom Jordan to the follow The Brand Podcast where we are building a 5 STAR Brand that you can follow!
Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Follow The Brand! We hope you enjoyed learning about the latest marketing trends and strategies in Personal Branding, Business and Career Development, Financial Empowerment, Technology Innovation, and Executive Presence. To keep up with the latest insights and updates from us, be sure to follow us at See you next time on Follow The Brand!
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