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Personal Branding Episode 10 October 14, 2024
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In this episode, we will focus on looking to the future, which shifts our attention from the monotony of the mundane to something more meaningful: the WHY. The future becomes a moving target that gives us purpose and helps us manage our current state. Featuring Luther Brewster with a background in community development; he has worked both in the private
and public sectors to achieve his life mission.
Dr. Luther Brewster’s background is in community development; he has worked in the private and public sectors. Since beginning his career in 2003, Dr. Brewster has held academic and research positions at the City University of New York and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. He served as a consultant to expand the 125th Street business improvement district in Harlem, New York, and the Arsenal, F.C. Emirates Stadium housing regeneration project in London, England. The focus of Dr. Brewster’s work is on identifying and correcting health risks created by projects, programs, and policies that typically are not viewed as having a ‘’relationship to health. He has a consistent track record of implementing grassroots strategies to address community concerns.
In 2005, Dr. Brewster joined Florida International University (FIU) as Founding faculty in the Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work. In March 2008, he became Founding faculty at FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine to develop their community-based initiatives. As Founding Chief of the Division of Policy, Research, and Community Development and the Director of Green Family Foundation NeighborhoodHELP™ (Health Education Learning Program), Dr. Brewster oversaw the development of a broad network of more than 150 community partners and the recruitment and retention of more than 1600 households for the Green Family Foundation Medicine and Society community-based educational activities. He was also the co-Founder of the FIU-Aetna Health Policy Analysis Academy, a joint venture with the Pardee RAND Graduate School to develop healthcare strategies to address the social determinants of health.
In July 2010, Dr. Brewster was a recipient of the prestigious Marshall Memorial Fellowship through the German Marshall Fund, bringing together Americans and Europeans to increase understanding and build transatlantic networks among the political, media, business, and nonprofit communities. He is a member of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Review Committee for Thoracic Surgery, former Chair of Miami Homes for All, and board member of Health Foundation of South Florida in Miami, Florida. Dr. Brewster also serves on the technical advisory committee for the Consortium for Resilient Gulf Communities, an initiative to assess and address the social, economic, and public health impacts of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico region.
Currently, Dr. Brewster serves as the Sr. Executive Dean for Community Health Innovation at
Roseman University College of Medicine in Las Vegas, Nevada. In this role, he will oversee several community medicine and healthcare delivery initiatives for high-risk and medically underserved patient populations across Southern Nevada. The first of these initiatives will be “Roseman GENESIS,” a home-visitation approach that combines healthcare and social services provided in t
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